Thursday, November 29, 2012

Eye Dissection

Today at Enrich I did the eye dissection workshop with Darryn. We dissected a - dead of course - pigs eye. It was awesome. We learnt about all the different parts of the eye including the iris, pupil, cornea, lens, aqueous humour, retina, tapetum, optic nerve, blind spot and the vitreous humour. Stephen and Violet had to go away because they felt sick when we cut the eye open. Did you know that the eye is very rubbery but tough. We know that because Darryn tried to cut it with a razor blade but it took a long time to cut. I think that the eye dissection workshop was the best workshop ever.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Special speaker

Today at Enrich we had a special speaker called Grant. He works for Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd is a orgainisation that tries to stop the Japanese whaling. He talked to us about all the boats and their statistics. I thought he was really interesting. He also talked to us about when he went on a trip as the boats engineer to Antartica. I thought it was cool how he told us about how when he was trying to get to sleep in bed he had to have a special canvas wall to make sure he didn't roll out. I personally think he was a great speaker. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Garden

This is my garden I designed as part of our Must Dos and Pick for this fortnight.  The design brief I chose was for a garden and pool area for a family with 3 children. The red roof is the house.The clothing line is beside it to hang up the wet clothes. The swing is there so when it is a nice night the family can sit out and watch the sun go down.There are paths to go to most of the activities so if the grass is wet and mushy they can take the path. The trees on the path are there so if it is a hot sunny day the children can sit under the trees and read a book. The pool is there so the kids can go swimming. I put the diving board there so they can have fun and jump off the board. I put the deck chairs there so the parents could watch the kids in the pool. I made the chairs multicoloured because the kids might think it looks cool. I put the vege and herb garden there so they can grow their own fresh produce. I put the pond and the bridge there so the kids could walk across it and look at the fish. That is my garden.